In these classrooms, children are encouraged to explore the world around them through a variety of play opportunities, with sand, dirt, leaves, flowers, water, and all kinds of materials and textures that stimulate them through the five senses. At this age, children begin to walk, which is why we offer them different times, spaces, and materials every day to experiment with their bodies in space, promoting the acquisition of independent, safe, and adjusted movement.
Other class
Baby classroom The work in the baby classroom is carried out taking into account the child's evolutionary development at each stage of education, through the application of a specific teaching methodology. The activities are organized to encourage the baby to acquire by themselves all the postures to be able to walk, such as: creeping, crawling, sitting, standing and finally the conquest of walking, stimulating their movement and helping them in everything they need.
Classroom 2-3 years In these classrooms, children integrate the curriculum objectives through multiple activities and experiences to develop relationships with their peers and foster their autonomy, milestones that will help them in their subsequent transition to school. Developing relationships with their peers and fostering their autonomy, milestones that will help them in their subsequent transition to school. At this stage, children have access to a wide variety of activities that facilitate the integration of logical-mathematical concepts, the acquisition and expansion of language, the recognition and expression of feelings and emotions. Some of the proposed activities are: getting to know the family, light-dark experimentation, fine and gross motor exercises, pre-reading and plastic experiences with various materials.
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